Saturday, September 3, 2011

Home-Made Tortillas!

When Albert Einstein had blocks of idle time while working at the patent office, he formulated theories that would completely revolutionize the field of physics. When I recently found myself with a few hours of downtime I opted to make home-made tortillas!

I decided to make both the corn and whole wheat flour tortillas, since our family seems to enjoy both, and who the hell knows when I'll have the time to do this again.

We have a tortilla press that we bought years ago at a mexican grocery store. You can pick them up for about $20 or can likely find them online. The press does speed up the process a bit, but I know people that use a roller and that works just fine too.

The whole wheat tortilla recipe I used here because I was looking to avoid using lard. Almost all corn tortilla recipes are simply Masa Harina and water like this one. After mixing the ingredients together I rolled the dough into small balls. I put a layer of saran wrap on both the top and bottom of the tortilla press to keep the dough from sticking to it. Then, I just put a dough ball in and put all my weight on the press handle. I'd then peel off the tortilla, flip, and repeat. I tossed the raw tortillas into a frying pan with no oil, on medium heat, for about 1 minute for each side.

The wheat tortillas were a much bigger hit than the corn, I'm guessing that this is because I didn't use lard, so they "...didn't taste like the store ones." Some of the wheat ones ended up a bit on the thick side, like a flatbread, so the girls had peanut butter sandwiches with those. If you make them really thick, you can use them as frisbees.


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